Take PMP® Online Exam from your home

The New PMP® Online Exam

Since PMI® has made Pearson VUE its partner to administer its various exams, PMI has brought several changes and continuously making it easier for candidates to write the exam. Latest one is introduction of PMP Online Exam. With the introduction of PMP Online Exam, aspiring PMP candidates can take exam right from their home. This is especially useful in today’s Covid 19 situation where half of the world is locked down and people are confined to their home.

The PMP® Online Exam

The PMP Online Exam can be taken by any candidate right from his/her home. There are some prerequisites however they are very basic and most of the people can easily comply with them. It is available 24/7. You can easily book a time on Pearson VUE website. You will be monitored by a live proctor who will keep an eye on you for entire exam duration.  The proctor will do so through your webcam and microphone.

You will need to complete a self-check-in process before starting the PMP Exam. You will be asked to take your photo (face) and a picture of one of your identification card (government approved ID card). Then show your surroundings using webcam to your proctor. Once your proctor gives you a go ahead, you can start the PMP Online Exam. Once exam is started, you are not be permitted to leave the room or move out of the proctor’s view.

Interested in PMP Online Exam? Take the Online PMP Online Training to prepare and pass the PMP exam Online. Click here get enrolled now.

PMI has introduced a break of 10 minutes in the exam. You can go out in this 10-minute break but come back before the break is over otherwise your exam will be canceled. When you are back after the break, your proctor will check you back in and you will finish the second and final part of your exam. If you have a question during the exam, there is a “Chat” available to contact the proctor and take guidance.

New PMP Online Exam - pmwares

The prerequisites for the PMP Online Exam

You need following to give PMP Online Exam at home

  1. Computer with
    1. OS:
      1. Windows 8.1 or Windows 10. (Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows 7 not allowed)
      2. Mac OS 10.13 and above (No beta versions)
    2. RAM: Minimum 4 GB
    3. Browser: Edge, Safari, Chrome or Firefox
    4. Webcam: 640×480 @ 10 fps or better
    5. Sound and microphone
  2. A quite place in your home where no one disturbs you for 4 hours. Make sure no one enters into the room during the test.
  3. Internet: Broadband with minimum 3 mbps download and 2 mbps upload speed.

Caution: Corporate firewall normally have many restrictions. Do not take exam from behind the corporate firewall.

There is a software available to check whether your computer is fit for the exam or not. Download the software from here (Pearson VUE website) and perform the check.

How the PMP Online Exam be conducted?

You need to download an exam software and install it on your computer. We recommend you to use your personal computer (Do not use office computer as it may have several restrictions). This software will lock your computer and does not allow you to access any other resources including internet except the exam. It will facilitate a simple calculator and a whiteboard for you to do calculations and rough work during the exam.

Exam has an inbuilt 10 minutes break. It will run for first 2 hours, then 10 minutes break and then final 2 hours. You cannot access questions of first 2 hours in the second 2 hours session. You can consider it as part 1 and part 2. You cannot access part 2 questions when part 1 is running and vice versa. You will start the break once you review and submit the first part of the exam. You will NOT be able to review questions from the first part of the exam after you submit it and start your break.

If you face any technical problem, you can approach the proctor using the Chat or VoIP for assistance. The proctor will work with you to try to resolve the technical issues. Any lost time because of the technical issue cannot be added back into the exam and you will not be compensated for any lost time. If you would like to reschedule the exam, proctor may allow you for the same but depending upon the technical issue, you may or may not be compensated.

How to apply for the PMP Online Exam?

Procedure for enrolling into PMP Online Exam is same as Center Based Test. Apply for PMP Exam. Once your application is approved, go ahead to pay your fee and schedule the exam. While scheduling the exam, select the option for PMP Online Exam and book a time slot.

If you have already scheduled an exam on a centre, you have a choice of cancelling it and scheduling a fresh Online Exam. In the current Coronavirus situation, PMI has waved off cancellation charges for time being.

Any further question on PMP Online Exam

If you have any question, I request you to kindly leave your question in the comments box below and I will reply to you as soon as possible.

For more information on this, you may visit the following websites

PMI Website: Introducing the New PMP® Online Exam

Pearson VU Website: PMI OnVUE Exam Information

Disclaimer: The information provided here is to guide professionals aspiring for PMP credentials. PMI and Pearson VUE can changes the information without intimating us. pmwares is not responsible for any kind of loss due to using information on this page. Please visit PMI and Pearson VUE website and information centres for final information.

PMI and PMP are registered mark of Project Management Institute

Pearson VUE is registered mark of Pearson VUE.

2 thoughts on “Take PMP® Online Exam from your home

    1. Dear Hafiz,

      The proctor is monitoring you all the time. if you have an internet outage for sometime, he will contact you over the phone to understand the situation. If internet is restored, you may continue the exam. However you will not get any extra time. Internet downtime will be part of your exam duration. I suggest you having a backup internet option like on your mobile phone.

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